Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30Day 30 of the Shelter in Place Order here in Santa Cruz! It’s hard to believe that we have all been living with this order for a month now. How are you all doing? I want you to know that you are not alone during this time. If you need anyone to talk to, I am here for you.

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30Luckily the 30th day here in Santa Cruz was sunny and 75 degrees. And even though the beaches are closed, it was really nice to be able to get outside and walk near the beach. It is really strange seeing the beaches so empty. Hopefully the beaches and state parks will be open again later this week. I think surfers are going crazy without being able to get in the water!

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30Later on, I found a weird looking lemon on my tree that gave me a good laugh. But I absolutely love this lemon tree. This is an ancient lemon tree, actually. It was put on our property by the original owners, who were a Swedish grandmother, and it’s about 100 years old, and it is just beautiful, but the lemon peels are super thick, but the lemon juice is delicious, and I just think that the tree is stunning, so. What’s your favorite part about your garden?

So right now, Ellia is doing a science experiment for school. And we are curious to hear what your hypothesis is. She has three different plates of food, and they’re all the same. There’s spinach, an orange, a blueberry, and a little piece of bread. She’s trying to see which one grows mold the fastest; foods covered with salt, saran wrap, or nothing. On which plate do you think mold will grow fastest?

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30Also, shout out to my cousin, Lee! I miss you so much and I wish we could be drinking coffee together! And shout out to my friend, Lacie! This horse property that I got to see made me think of you. You would love it! It’s at 328 White Road in Watsonville and it’s super beautiful and serene out there. If you want more information about this gorgeous property, let me know. I’d be happy to give you more information.

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30


Ellia is still making face masks for people within the community, so if you are in need of one, let me know and I’ll put an order in with her! Enjoy your day and stay tuned for the 31st day of Sheltering in Place!

In an effort to stay connected during this time, I am now offering complimentary, 15 minute, Real Estate or business strategy calls. My office hours for these calls will be between 2-4pm daily. To sign up for a call, please use the Calendly link HEREI look forward to strategizing with you!

If you are within the at-risk population, and are in need of essentials during this time, or a face mask, please feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to bring food and supplies to your doorstep. If you are a Santa Cruz business owner, please let me know how the community can support you during this time. I’d love to come by, film, and promote you on social media.

Santa Cruz Shelter in Place 2020: Day 30

If you are currently wondering what the Santa Cruz Housing Market is doing during the Coronavirus Pandemic, feel free to reach out to me. I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have. But on March 28th, President Trump updated the essential business list and added Residential Real Estate. Meaning, that Realtors are allowed to continue working, while exercising extreme precautions, as mandated by the CDC.

With that being said, if you are currently looking to Buy a Santa Cruz Home, I would love to assist you in your Santa Cruz Home Search. There is not the usual amount of inventory as we normally see at this time, but mortgage rates are historically low. Now may be a great time to buy, as long as you’re willing to be patient for your dream home to come onto the market.

If you are currently thinking about Selling Your Santa Cruz Home, now may be a great time to put your home on the market. With inventory being low, the demand increases. Meaning, that some homes are seeing multiple offers and bid wars. I’d love to schedule a complimentary and confidential consultation with you to see how Fox Realty Group INC. can creatively market your home!

Cat and Cloud New Location on the Westside of Santa Cruz


Shemeika Fox 
Santa Cruz Realtor
David Lyng Real Estate
DRE 01479629



Video Transcription:

Good morning. I woke up early and I did my meditation. I feel grounded and I feel really grateful that looking out my window, I have this view. So, Danny’s brother loves plants. And he put a garden in, planted all these plants. Most of them are native California plants, and they just grow wild. And this side-yard is the last piece of the project that needed to be finished. And, I was a little unsure but I let him go for it, and I think it turned out so cool. There’s a boat out there with plantings in it. There’s a fire pit with redwood stumps that we can sit on, and a rock bench that we can sit on, and all of the plants are filling in beautifully. You like it? Can’t wait to sit out there with my friends again one day. Not sure if I mentioned, but I wanna make it super clear, I love coffee. I love it in the morning, I love it in the daytime, not in the evening so much, because I like my sleep, too, but we use a French press and hearing the sound of the water boiling, it just gets my blood boiling too. And, my cousin and I have this ongoing joke where we can’t say the word coffee, so we’ll be like, did you want some souffle? Or, would you like some cheese egg omelet with asparagus and artichokes? Which also sounds delicious, but the key word is always coffee. Coffee. And then we laugh and we get to have coffee together. And my gosh, I wish my cousin was here and I could have coffee with her. I would give you the bigger cup. I would make it for you. I would pour it for you. I miss you, Preams. Jason, you can use this, because it’s all good. Hi. Okay, I’ve been tethered to my computer and I am gonna take a moment to take a break, and get up and stand up. Actually, I’m gonna do that right now. Oh, I feel so much better. But Ellia said she was going to go outside and paint rocks, so I wanna see if she’s actually painting rocks, or if she’s TikToking, because she’s been really into TikToking. Let’s go check, let’s go spy. Oh, there she is. Whatcha doing? Just painting rocks, and other stuff. Oh, what rock? Oh. And then I’ll paint the round rock. That’s pretty, Ellia. And I got the flowers on my hand. Ooh, are you making something cool with the flowers? Yeah, and now my hands are sticky. It looks like you have paint and flowers. ♪ Why this is happening to ♪ Cool. Looks like she was TikToking and doing art. Ooh, the combination is so grand. TikTok, TikTok. Yes, I’m finally outside. I’m going for a walk. I’m wearing my jeans and my work clothes, which Ellia found comical. I just found it convenient. Oh, it’s so beautiful outside. It’s like 75 degrees in Santa Cruz. The sky is crystal clear blue. I bet there’s so many people that want to be at the beach right now. Dude, it is so nice outside. I have been trapped in at my desk, all day, and I’m not complaining because I actually like what I do, but it is so nice outside! It’s like 75 degrees and sunny and gorgeous. So, when I’m done running my essentials, I think I need to play for a little bit. Yep, that’s what I’m doing. Oh, you missed it, shoot. There was the cutest little ladybug that was flying on my window. Check out this horse property. It’s incredible. I’m gonna go look. So pretty. We’ve got four actual stalls, that we’ve got here. I mean, it is just so beautiful and majestic out here. So, when I was growing up, I lived on a ranch. It was more of a hippie ranch, but we had horses and– Where? Up in Mendocino County, in Ukiah. Oh, really? Grand Mountain Ranch. But we decided when I was probably about six that it would be really elegant to go be princesses, and wear satin dresses and ride side-saddle in the arena. So, I slipped off, and we got the horses all excited, and they just started jamming around me, and my friend, who was on the ranch with me, grabbed my arm and, like, pulled me out of the saddle. Before you got trampled? Before I got trampled. So, after that I was like, yeah, I think that I’m going to just look from a distance. Oh my god, it’s so beautiful out here. There’s nobody on the beach. Per order, I get that. But wow, I’ve never seen it so sparse. Not even sparse, vacant. Totally empty out there. How messed up is it that I just got home from a beautiful walk outside, 75 degrees, all that jazz, beach, gorgeous, all la la la that I was telling you about, but my reward is going to be cleaning the bathroom! Not the other way around. Most people, they clean the house and then they reward themselves with going to the beach. I am rewarding myself from my walk with cleaning the house and the bathroom. And I mean, scrubbing it, with bleach! Here we go. Bleach. Just found this on the lemon tree. Here it is. Oh my God, I love this lemon tree. This is an ancient lemon tree, actually. It was put on our property by the original owners, who were a Swedish grandmother, and it’s about 100 years old, and it is just beautiful, but the lemon peels are super thick, but the lemon juice is delicious, and I just think that the tree is stunning, so. Done. We don’t even know where to work anymore. Half the table is filled with my business, and the other half of the table is filled with Ellia’s business, and we’re trying to eat dinner. ‘Kay, so right now, doing a science experiment for school, and I have three different plates of food, and they’re all the same. There’s spinach and orange, a blueberry, and a little piece of bread, and I’m seeing which one grows mold the fastest. The one with salt, just salt, no saran wrap or anything, the one with just saran wrap, or the one with nothing. I’m thinking either the one with salt or the one with nothing. Comment down below.

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